
To maintain a safe, respectful, and professional environment for our staff, clients, and patients.

Prohibited Behaviours

We have zero tolerance for:

Violence and Harassment

Physical violence or threats

Verbal abuse or aggressive behaviour

Harassment of any kind

Discriminatory language or conduct

Intimidation of staff or other clients

Safety Violations

Interference with medical procedures

Refusal to restrain pets when requested

Intentional violation of safety protocols

Non-compliance with infection control measures

Professional Conduct Violations

Deliberate disruption of practice operations

Dishonesty regarding pet’s medical history

Intentional non-payment for services rendered

Violation of practice policies and procedures


Violation of this policy may result in:

Immediate termination of service

Permanent dismissal from the practice

Reporting to relevant authorities when applicable

Legal action if warranted


All staff are empowered to report violations

Management will document all incidents

Clients must acknowledge this policy prior to service

Clear signage will be displayed in practice areas

Staff Protection

Staff have the right to refuse service

Security measures will be implemented as needed

Regular training on handling difficult situations

Support system for affected staff members

This policy supplements our existing Customer Charter and reinforces our commitment to maintaining a professional, safe environment for all.