Shar Pei medical procedures and care

All breeds have their individual traits and breed specific problems.

We see many Shar Peis at the clinic and as a result we are used to the peculiarities and specific needs attributable to the breed. We perform many routine procedures on a daily basis which are outlined below.

grown sharpei laying down

Eye tacking

Quite often puppies are presented for tacking to correct entropion whilst they are under 6 months of age.

This is performed under a quick general anaesthetic and multiple strong sutures or stainless steel staples are placed in the affected lids to prevent the eyelashes from irritating the eyes.

The aim is to roll out the affected lids to allow the puppy to develop its skull and the fat pad behind the eyes. In some puppies this will be sufficient when they are skeletally mature but some pups will go on to require entropion surgery. The eye tacks can be removed after several weeks in the conscious puppy.

Pregnancy Ultrasound

We carry out routine pregnancy scans often to determine whether a bitch is pregnant or to monitor the development of the puppies. Scans are usually carried out 28 days after mating.

sharpei puppy

Entropion surgery

Entropion is an inward rolling of the eyelid.

This causes eyelashes and sometimes the hair on the surface of the eyelid to rub on the eyeball, which is both painful and often leads to corneal ulceration. The corneal damage can also result in corneal scarring, which can interfere with vision. Usually dogs will squint and produce excess tears.

Entropion is treated by surgical correction. It is uncommon for entropion to recur after surgery unless the entropion is quite involved, particularly in the Shar Pei breed. The procedure is carried out as a day procedure and results in a much happier dog! If you think your dog or puppy has any discomfort with their eye please contact us immediately to arrange an appointment with the vet.

Skin workups

Below is a list of the more common skin complaints seen in the Shar Pei breed:
  • lip and skin fold pyoderma
  • generalized pyoderma
  • demodectic mange
  • allergic skin disease often due to food, insect, contact, plant allergies etc.
  • cutaneous mucinosis

Skin workups are carried out in consultation and an in depth analysis of the dogs lifestyle, food, and environmental circumstances will be discussed. If required skin and ear swabs are taken for culture and skin scrapes can be taken to look for parasites.

Register your Shar Pei

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